Breakthrough Release: Novel High-Brightness GFP Cell Line


EDITGENE launches our new high-brightness, highly stable GFP cell line, offering powerful support for your research. Now, observing molecular dynamics is easier and more precise than ever!


GFP (Green Fluorescent Protein) is an essential tool for visualizing molecular dynamics within cells, yet it often faces challenges like limited brightness and unstable expression patterns. To address these issues, EDITGENE has developed the OE-Booster cis-regulatory element, enabling the generation of high-brightnesshigh-stability CopGFP-tagged cell lines. These cell lines are ideal for multiplex fluorescence labeling experiments, enhancing intracellular dynamic observations and improving molecular tracking, ultimately revealing complex biological processes with greater accuracy.



Novel high-brightness GFP cell lines available from just   $880   ! Order now to experience optimized GFP cell lines and take your research to the next level!



bright field image, 20x                                         fluorescent image, 20x

bright field image, 20x                                         fluorescent image, 20x

Comparison of fluorescence effect between standard hek293t-copgfp (top) and enhanced hek293t-copgfp (bottom) cells




 copGFP Product Lists 


  Introduction to EDITGENE OE-Booster Technology  


Enhancing protein expression levels has always been a challenge in biomedical research. To address this, EDITGENE proudly presents OE-Booster—a cutting-edge cis-regulatory element specifically engineered to significantly boost protein expression.




Advantages of OE-Booster


The final interpretation of this activity belongs to EDITGENE


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