Mycoplasma Elimination Kit (Plus)_5 mL


货号 : EDME-04

价格:  咨询价格


Product Description

Mycoplasma, the smallest and simplest prokaryotes, can alter cell DNA, RNA, and protein expression, leading to slow cell growth rates and morphological changes that severely affect experimental results. If cells are contaminated with Mycoplasma, it is best to discard them after autoclaving. However, for valuable contaminated cells, Mycoplasma elimination reagents can be used.
This product effectively suppresses and eliminates various Mycoplasma species, including Mycoplasma orale, M. arginini, M. hyorhinis, and Acholeplasma laidlawii, without affecting cell health, thus saving valuable contaminated cells.
As the second-generation product, this upgraded reagent offers higher Mycoplasma elimination efficiency, lower cytotoxicity, and improved ease of use compared to the first-generation product (EDITGENE: EDME-01). It has been validated in various cell types.


Transported at room temperature; store at 4°C in the dark. Shelf life: 24 months.


Cell death or poor cell condition after Mycoplasma elimination
For most cell lines, mycoplasma elimination has no impact on cell health. However, for sensitive cells, it is recommended to create backups before treatment. If cell death or poor conditions occur, reduce the working concentration by half and extend the treatment period to 28 days.
Residual Mycoplasma after treatment
Mycoplasma should be nearly completely eliminated. If contamination persists, increase the working concentration by 50% and repeat the treatment for one cycle.
Can it be used with conventional antibiotics like penicillin, streptomycin, amphotericin, or gentamicin?
Since this reagent already provides antibiotic functions, additional antibiotics are not recommended during the treatment to reduce stress on cells.


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