EDITGENE has developed a unique sgRNA design logic, along with advanced sgRNA synthesis and purification techniques, to provide high-quality sgRNA synthesis services for gene editing. We offer design and synthesis services for sgRNA to support a wide range of IVD companies and research clients. 更多
货号 : EDN-RH01-A

1.Gene Functional Studies: By knocking out, point mutating, or inserting specific genes, researchers can determine the functions and regulatory mechanisms of those genes within cells or organisms.
2.Gene Regulation Studies: By fusing activators or repressors with Cas9 and guiding sgRNA to the regulatory regions of target genes, precise modulation of gene expression can be achieved.
3.Functional Screening and Genomic Research: This includes gene knockout libraries, genomic editing libraries and functional screening. By guiding multiple sgRNAs simultaneously, large numbers of genes can be edited in parallel, enabling the rapid identification of genes associated with specific functions or diseases.